Canadian Living 2016-03, magazyny
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//-->HEROESNEXTDOORP. 60WEAR IT,LOVE IT!GOODH E A LT H :IS IT ALLIN YOURGENES?P. 45$PER GINSERV4.35LI FELE S S O N SROASTEDLEMON-HERBCORNISHHENSP. 99WHY YOUSHOULDLOVE YOURIN-LAWSLIVEISMORETIMEON YOUR SIDECHRISTY TURLINGTON-BURNSONLY 20% OF SIGNS OF AGINGARE INEVITABLETHE REST IS IN YOUR HANDSFAST ACTING REPAIRFOR VISIBLE AGINGSERUM9 PATENTSNEWBLUE THERAPYACCELERATEDWRINKLES - DARK SPOTS - FIRMNESSFormulated with “Algae of Youth” extract, from AlariaEsculenta, to help reduce signs of aging due to externalaging accelerators. This high efficacy, fast-acting serumis even more powerful than our classical serum.* The skintexture is perfectly smoothed and hydrated, the complexioneven and luminous, and the face volumes appear*Perceived effectiveness in consumer testing,210 women, 4 weeks, comparison of resultsvs. our current Blue Therapy SerumThat moment…made possible by 4MATIC.They say it’s all about the journey. But we say the destination is just as important. When youchoose 4MATIC all-wheel drive from Mercedes-Benz, you’ll get there for the moments thatmatter regardless of the conditions. That’s because 4MATIC delivers superior traction, stabilityand control every time. 4MATIC for Canada. Find out more at© 2016 Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc.A Daimler Brand
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