Carlos Porter Whitlock - Made in Russia - The Holocaust, War

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//-->MADE IN RUSSIA- THE HOLOCO$TCarlos Whitlock Porter, EditorHistorical Review Press 1988INTRODUCTIONWar crimes trials are characterized by the assumption that rules ofevidence are a technicality designed to enable the guilty to evadepunishment. In fact, however, their purpose is to protect tribunals fromerrors in judgement.Centuries ago, it was common to prosecute women for performing sexualacts with the Devil. These acts were described in minute detail inthousands of trials, in millions of pages of sworn testimony. It wasestablished, for example, that Satan's ejaculatory fluid is cold.Thousands of women stood fast in their confessions to the very foot of thestake, proving the truth of the matter stated; others recanted, proving thecontumacy of the Tempter.Thousands of men were burned for signing a Compact with the Prince ofDarkness. This was a written contract, binding on both parties, the exacttext of which was known to jurists for centuries; yet the original documentwas never found. Secondary evidence was accepted as to its existence andcontent.Satan's existence was proven by his many appearances in the form of a cator a goat; his failure to fulfil his contractual obligatians was seen as asimple breach of faith.Scientific experiments were performed. Women known to have participatedin the Black Mass were found not to have left their beds during the night,proving that transportation is spiritual, rather than physical.Professional witnesses denounced thousands of people; defendants werecondemned on the basis of ex parte affidavits signed by unknown persons;hallucinations and dreams were introduced into evidence in swornstatements.Persons defending the accused could only be motivated by secretsympathy with Satan's conspiracy or Common Plan.Respected people entered prison defiant, confident that God would provethem innocent; only to emerge a month later, prepared to confess publiclyand be burned alive for kissing the anus of a goat.Slimilar procedures and rules of evidence were used after the last war toconvict Germans of killing millions of Jews in a toxicologically absurdmanner, using an insecticide requiring 24 hours to kill moths.It is characteristic of modern thought that man is held to be progressing insome manner, a concept which was foreign to the medieval world.Part IAs a "proven fact" protected by special laws not applicable to other "proven facts", theHoloco$t must be considered as something of an endangered speciesAll one needs to endanger the species a bit further.......... or perhaps even drive it intoextinction..... is to get the Nuremberg Trial transcript and read some of it.If Germans gassed millions of Jews, did they also........... people to death like lobsters in 10 steam chambers at TreblinkaZap them to death with mass electrical shocksBlast them into the twilight zone with atomic bombsBeat people to death, then carry out autopsies to see why they diedForce people to climb trees, then cut the trees downKill 840,000 Russian POWs at Sachsenhausen, and burn the bodies in 4 portableovens7.Bash people's brains in with a pedal-driven brain-bashing machine while listeningto the radio, then burn the bodies in 4 portable ovens8.Torture and execute people in time to music at the Yanov camp in Russia -- shootevery member of the orchestra9.Grind the bones of millions of people in portable bone-grinding machines10.Grind the bones of 200 bodies [¾ ton] at one time as described in photographsand documents which have disappeared -- study bone grinding in special 10-daycrash-course seminars11.Whup people with special spanking machines12.(Note that photographs of German leaders, concentration camps, etc., are in fullsupply, but that photos of bone grinders, portable ovens, etc., have alldisappeared)13.Make lampshades of human skin14.Cut people's heads off and then shrink them -- make pocketbooks and drivinggloves for SS officers out of human skin15.Paint pornographic pictures on canvasses made of human skin16.Bind books in human skin17.Make saddles, riding breeches, gloves, house slippers, and ladies handbags out ofhuman skin18.Drive Jews to cannibalism in all those freight cars19.More "scientific experiments" -- another ridiculous accusation -- another bizarrehallucination -- another example of German efficiency20.Torture people in specially mass-produced "torture boxes" made by Krupp21.Kill people for sleeping in their underwear -- kill people for wearing dirtyunderwear -- wear underwear stolen from gassed persons -- (didn't they have anyunderwear in Germany?) -- kill people for having armpit hair -- stuff chairs withhuman hair -- (an objection from defendant Göring) -- make socks out of humanhair -- (actually, the correct translation should be hair-yarn "booties" for U-boatcrews) -- (commentary) -- collect seven tons of hair for human sock making --collect 293 hair bales (net weight seven thousand kilograms) at Auschwitz formattress stuffing and making hair socks -- gas them to death, then destroy thebodies with quicklime at Auschwitz22.Use human ashes for repairing the roads -- mix human ashes with manure and sellit23.Burn human bodies using human fat for fuel -- burn human bodies using no fuelat all after removing them from the gas chambers without wearing gas masks --burn 80,000 bodies in 2 old ovens24.Burn human bodies in holes dug in a swampy plain which is frozen in Januarywhere it rains and snows constantly and there is mud everywhere -- what did theydo when it was raining?25.Kill people with poisoned soft drinks -- shoot 135,000 people in Smolensk andbury them Katyn-style -- shoot 200,000 people in the Lisenitz forest -- using thesame methods of concealment they used at KatynPart IIAs a "proven fact" protected by special laws not applicable to other "proven facts", theHoloco$t must be considered as something of an endangered speciesAll one needs to endanger the species a bit further.......... or perhaps even drive it intoextinction..... is to get the Nuremberg Trial transcript and read some of it.If Germans gassed millions of Jews, did they also...........1.Shoot the Polish officers at Katyn -- (this document describes how "confessions"are obtained in Communist show trials, but says that the Germans did it) -- (Herewe have the cynical Nazis chuckling about how they will exterminate the Poles atKatyn) -- (The Americans had an English translation of this at trials, so why didthey translate it into German for the document volumes?) -- Frame the Russiansfor Katyn -- Torture "witnesses" into signing statements written by Gestapointerrogators and "interpreters" to frame the Russians for Katyn -- Torture"witnesses" into testifying falsely before international delegations to frame theRussians for Katyn -- Torture "witnesses" into signing "statements" written inforeign languages to frame the Russians for Katyn -- Torture "witnesses" intosigning "statements" they were not allowed to read -- Torture "witnesses" intoraising their right arm and swearing falsely under oath to frame the Russians forKatyn -- Dig up the bodies at Katyn and put false documents in their pockets tomake it look like the Russians did it, then bury them again -- (Here are the 500Russian labourers rummaging through the pockets of 11,000 corpses) -- Transportthousands of bodies from mass graves all over Poland and bury them at Katyn toframe the Russians for Katyn -- Here we have stinking bodies fallling out of thetrucks and flopping all over the road on the way to Katyn... Now comes 13 pagesof "forensic evidence" "quoted" in the "report" written by the prosecutor: the onlyforensic evidence at trial2.Boil the fat from 40 male and female human bodies for 3 - 7 days to get 25 kilosof soap -- (every one of the documents and exhibits mentioned has disappeared) --with one exception, every one of the "human soap" documents has disappeared...the "confession" of "human soap maker" Sigmund Mazur (spelled 3 differentways) has disappeared... the human soap samples have disappeared; the tannedhuman skin samples have disappeared... The "human soap recipe" does notcontain the word "human"... that has been added by the translator"... With a turnof a page 86 documents having "probative value", including 3 "human soap"documents, have disappeared, yet the charges were upheld...3.Reading the indictment, one is struck by the dramatic nature of Soviet atrocitycharges... All these charges were to be "proven true" after a lengthy "trial"involving "evidence"... and yet the only "evidence" involved turns out to be"reports" which the Russians have written themselves. The "proof" of the five-pointed star cut or burnt into people's bodies turns out to be just another Soviet"report" which has disappeared... The "proof of the mass-shootings at Baba-Yarturns out to be just another Soviet "report" which has disappeared... Don't bothertrying to find these documents in the document volumes because they are just notthere.. Every document not marked with an asterisk has simply disappeared. Theimpossibly ridiculous "gas vans" were mentioned for the first time in a Sovietdocument which has disappeared... This Soviet "report" is our principal source of"information" on Auschwitz and has been widely plagiarized... everythinghappens first in Russia.4.While hundreds of documents deemed to have "probative value" havedisappeared.... hundreds of photos which prove nothing are there to be examinedby anyone -- (Correction: the portable-oven-portable-bone-grinder-portable-brain-bashing machines-human-soap confessions are available from the NationalArchives. We will obtain there documents and publish them.) (Correction again:we will obtain photocopies of negative photostats of "true copies".) -- Note thathalf the sign is in English and says, "Protect yourselves from Jewish atrocitypropaganda". -- More "evidence" that proves nothing... cartoons from "DerStürmer" -- "Don't Trust a Fox Whatever You Do, Nor Yet the Oath of Any Jew"-- A "baptized Jew" eating "baptized meat" on Friday -- A Jewish butcher -- "Jewsnot Wanted"... Jews are Our Misfortune"... The Jewish lecher... The Jewishdoctor.5.This is from the Judgement. Note the references to "statements" made by Gräbeand Höss -- The documents are never photographically reproduced so that we cansee what they look like... instead they are transcribed with microscopic Germanabbreviations such as "BeglVm" which means "certificate of authenticity" or"BeglPhot" which means "certified photocopy". Do you suppose they haveanything to hide? -- Since when is a document like this proof of anything underU.S. law? -- Under U.S. law, none of these "affidavits", "reports", and"confessions" would even be admissible. -- No one can be convicted of murderunder U.S. law on the basis of an "affidavit" such as this one.-- The NurembergTrial was a return to the Inquisitional procedures of the Middle Ages.6.None of these people ever appeared in court, yet Gräbe has been "quoted" for 50years as a Hoaxoco$t "witness". -- Gräbe was supposedly working for the US [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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