Canadian Geographic - 2015 07 08 July August, foto, Canadian Geographic
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//-->GTINTICRHAARCCETHTHE FUTURE OF MARINE PROTECTED AREASThe BEST ofNATIONALBison, beavers, whooping cranes,amazing landscapesandmorePARKICONIC CRAFTThe saga of one ofthe world’s oldestbirchbark canoesLOST & FOUNDHow technologyis helping findmissing kidscanadiangeographic.caDISPLAY UNTIL SEPTEMBER 21, 2015+SOCCER STAR CHRISTINE SINCLAIR,THE NATIONAL BIRD PROJECT & MOREJULY/AUGUST 2015 $7.95The smallest things have the greatest potentialSure, one tiny, humble quinoa seed may not seem like much. But when it’s used tomake our newest Kashi* foods, it starts a path of eating well, which inspires anothergood decision.And then another.And that can take you anywhere.Learn more at* © 2015, Trademark of Kashi Company used under licencefeaturesCONTENTSCOVER AND THIS PAGE, TOP: PAUL COLANGELO/CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC; BOTTOM: CANADIAN MUSEUM OF HISTORY IMG2008-0198-0008-DM3244WORLD BEATERA celebration of Wood Buffalo, Canada’s biggestnational park, and a land of more than one superlativePhotography by Paul Colangelo, with text by SabrinaDoyle, Jessica Finn, Carys Mills, Michela Rosano,Nick Walker and Harry Wilson5064UNDER PRESSURECanada once committed to protecting10 per cent of its waters by 2020 throughthe creation of marine protected areas.Just what are they, how do they workand how do they make a difference?By Alanna Mitchell“ALERT: THERE HASBEEN A CHILD REPORTEDMISSING IN YOUR AREA.”How the Missing Children Societyof Canada is using modern personalcommunication technology and socialmedia to help find missing kidsBy Omar MouallemTHE GRANDFATHER CANOEDespite being restored nearly a decade ago,one of the nation’s oldest birchbark canoescan’t be seen by the public. The sad andfrustrating tale of an iconic craft.By James RaffanON THE COVERThe Birch River, part ofthe Peace-Athabasca Delta,meanders through WoodBuffalo National Park,the largest protected areaof its kind in Canada.64CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC3departmentsCONTENTS26DISCOVERY121416CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: LANCE GOODWIN; AMANDA KELLEY; AARON MCCONOMY/COLAGENE.COM/CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC; MIKE SCHAUCHBIG PICTURECelebrating Canada’s grandeur1920222426INTERVIEWHistorian and author Carolyn Harrison the Charter of the ForestINFOGRAPHICUnderstanding the Bay of Fundy’stidal power potentialWILDLIFESick sea stars, squirrels and moreHISTORYA railway map’s allure and celebrat-ing 85 years ofCanadian GeographicPLACEA station for a northern nationEXPOSUREShowcasing CanGeo’s photo clubIN A SNAPSharing CanGeo via Instagram293063POLAR BLOGMapping the Van TatGwich’in routesON THE MAPExploring cartography2281NEXT ISSUEOctober 2015,Canadian Geographictests your geo IQ with an Arctic quizNATIONAL BIRD PROJECTSnowy owl72YOUR SPACECOMMENTYour feedbackCOVER VOTEChoosing our coverTRENDINGThe buzz from CanGeo’ssocial media sitesWHAT’S THIS?Recognize this mystery object?WHERE’S THIS?Can you identify this landmark?8282OUR COUNTRYChristine Sinclair on why sheloves to unwind in Sechelt, B.C.77YOUR SOCIETY774CANADIAN GEOGRAPHICJ U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 5News from The Royal CanadianGeographical SocietyI T S L I S T O F C O N TA C T S I N C L U D E SEVERY SINGLE ONE OFYOUR FACIAL HAIRS®FUSION PROGLIDE REBUILT WITH NEW FLEXBALL TECHNOLOGY.®A razor that responds to every contour of your face for maximum contact*and gets virtually every hairhair.1R E F I L LU PW I T HF L E X B A LL™T E C HN O L O G Y=T O1M O N T H **GILLETTE.CA*vs. Fusion ©2014 P&G**based on 4 shaves per week over average cartridge consumption
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