Castles & Crusades The Wizard's Tower, Podreczniki RPG, Castles & Crusades

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Wizard’s Tower, Towers of Adventure 1 for
challange level 6, 3-5 characters.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord
Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 2
Printing, Copyright 2006,
Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 3
Printing, Copyright 2007,
Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord
Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 2
Printing Copyright
2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
The Witch’s Tower, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Author Stephen
This book is published under the Open Game License version 1.0a by permission
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The Wizard’s Tower, designed for 3-5 characters with a challenge
level of 6, should be playable in one session. It involves a simple
tower located in any village or town of the Castle Keeper’s
choosing. Though conceived as a tower sitting upon a cliff face,
the adventure is highly portable so that the Castle Keeper can
move it to a forest, desert, swamp or whatever terrain they wish.
Simply change the opening descriptive text to better reflect the
desired locale and make the winding stair a meandering path.
of his own tower, bound by the hag’s sorcery. He lives, but exists
in a state of suspended animation, only growing older, but needing
little or no sustenance. What he does need she supplies in the
smallest quantities possible to keep him alive.
As master of the tower she has begun to use it as a base to haunt
the townsfolk, causing mischief through spreading secrets she has
learned through spying, robbing them, killing their animals and
most recently murdering some of them through ‘sitting upon their
chest’. This latter is a form of haunting where the hag visits the
victim in their home and sits upon them, haunting their dreams
until they suffocate. The victims are found with a look of pained
horror upon their faces, the sure sign of a witch’s visit.
Upon a promontory overlooking the town of Lead Hill stands the
Meadow Tower. A mage by the name of Andru Meadow had the
tower constructed some years past. He used it for his residence as
well as laboratory and study. The mage Andru served the Lead Hill
for many years, using his sorcery to aid the town whenever they
needed it, whether from marauding bandits, wandering monsters or
the more mundane tasks of building bridges and making it rain.
Upon learning of this the characters can offer to take up the
challenge of exploring the tower or the villagers will hire them,
offering up to 1000gp to root out the witch.
The characters find themselves passing through the town and staying in
the only inn in town, the Neighbor’s Mill. Here they find a very excited
clientele who are all talking about the previous evening’s occurrence.
Some years later Andru married a comely woman who he met on
his many adventures. They seemed much taken with each other
and the wizard came to town less and less. Many believed that the
well minded wizard was well served in his new found happiness
and left him to his own devices.
One of the patrons is leaning against the fire place speaking quite
forcefully. He has much of the townsfolk lending an ear.
Several years passed however, and Andru stopped coming to town
altogether. He was very soon missed and though some delegations
were sent to find out where he was they were answered by the
comely woman who instructed them that Andru was involved
in a very complicated sorcery and that he asked that he not
be disturbed. She managed to put them off but they were very
suspicious, for in the course of much town gossip and over the
fence finger wagging the villagers discovered that Andru had
never told them her name nor had she freely given it. None in fact
knew who she was or from where she came.
It’s a plague I tell you! That woman is no more his wife than
I’m my own mother’s prized milk cow! She’s a witch. I’ve
seen her, you’ve seen her. She haunts these streets and preys
upon our livestock. She’s the cause of our secrets being out
and she’s the cause of old lady Marian’s death. This I know.
I helped bury her and that look upon her face, only the
terror of a witch can bring that on. And I’ve tried to go up
there don’t you know, but something’s on that road, some
evil creature haunts those winding stairs. A demon I tell
you, you can’t get passed it. She’s got our mage, probably
killed him long ago and she’s now taking what’s not hers!
Soon thereafter a minor plague of evil struck the village. At first
simple items were stolen, later animals and then even later more
valuable items, gold, jewelry and the like. Recently several murders
have happened in town. The villagers have begun to suspect that a
witch is plaguing them for on several occasions townsfolk have seen
a bent over hag of horrific design moving through the darkened
streets; still others have seen the amazingly beautiful wife of Andru
Meadows, alone and without escort, looking into peoples windows.
The speaker goes on and the crowd talks about it quite some until
any of the characters express any kind of interest, at which point
they press them to explore the tower and find out of the mage lives
and the witch is real.
The town sheriff is very supportive offering to bring out a bounty
of 1000gp for pay. The sheriff also supplies them with a key to the
tower, given to him by Andru for safe keeping in case he locked
himself out of the tower.
In point of fact Andru has become a prisoner in his own home.
Upon his last adventure he met Erza the Witch who in fact is a
green hag. Upon seeing the young man Erza disguised herself as a
young, comely woman. Upon learning of his tower and the village
it protected she charmed him only a little, for he was quite smitten
with her. She convinced him to take her as his wife and bring her
to his home. He willingly did so. Once ensconced in the tower the
hag slowly ensorcelled him, binding him to her so that even he
did not know it. He is now a prisoner in the uppermost chamber
If asked why he doesn’t go to the tower he explains that his very own
lord has told him to stay away from the tower and to wait for the coming
of the court mage, a person that has of course never showed up.
If the characters take up the challenge the adventure begins by crossing
a shallow river over an old stone bridge on a trade road. Just off the road
on the far side of a bridge is a path that leads to the winding stair.
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The path snakes through a forested area for about a quarter of a
mile where it ends at the foot of a stair. This stair is made of good,
solid stone, but it has been untended for some time. Though it
is not cracked or broken, weeds, grass and even some patches of
moss are growing everywhere up its length.
There is no sign of traffic whatsoever on the stairs.
An old, twisted treant whom the hag has employed guards the
path. The treant has taken up his post about 2/3rds the way up the
500 foot stair. He stands amidst the other trees that grow along
the stairs, perfectly still, but ever vigilant. As soon as anyone
comes within his grasp he attacks.
(This neutral evil creature’s vital stats are HD 7d8, AC
20, HP 43. Its primary attributes are physical. It attacks with 2 slam
attacks for 2d8 points of damage each. It has the ability to blend and
trample for a further 4d4 points of damage. This particular treant
cannot animate other trees. It is vulnerable to fire.)
The stairs give way to a small, open, rocky ledge. The ledge at one
time had some gardens on it but these are long gone.
As the forest gives way the tower looms before you. It
stands upon a narrow ledge overlooking the town in the
valley below. It is straight, round and well made. A large
stained glass window sits in the middle of the tower on
the side that overlooks the town. The top of the tower
has several open faced windows. It is quiet and still. The
grounds around it, once lush and well tended are empty
gardens now of rock and stone.
The tower itself is 60 feet high and roughly 40 feet wide at the
base. It has a simple closed staircase that runs up the center of
the tower with doors that exit onto each level. The doors are all
metal, though they have locks, only the door to the upper room
where the hag is living is locked.
1 E
The door is locked from the inside. The hag, though she does not
suspect anyone is approaching, is fearful of being surprised. The
characters of course should have the key to the tower.
This room comprises one half the total bottom of the tower. It has
in it a fire place, built into the wall, one large table with 8 chairs
around it, a cupboard filled with mugs, plates, and silver ware. A
large bear skin rug lies upon the floor; several animal skin rugs
cover most of it. The room is warm but has not been used in some
time, or so it appears. There are three doors in the room. Two of
them lead to
Area 2 Kitchen
and the 3
to the stairs that lead up
the tower’s center.
2 K
Both doors open up to the kitchen. This room is in complete
shambles, pots and pans on the floor, the cook fire ashes all over
the place, food, much of it half eaten upon the counter tops and
floor and all manner of utensils scattered all about. A large brick
oven, with venting leading into the wall puts off a tremendous
amount of heat, making the room almost suffocating.
6 A

The two doors to this room are locked and have been for some time.
The one door opens up into 6a a small lavatory, complete with a toilet
that has a permanent dimension door cast upon its bowl. What goes
in drops into the woods some 100 feet outside the tower.
The witch’s servant, Bael, lives here. This small imp serves her as
a cook and has made the kitchen his home. He keeps the oven
burning to remind him of his home plane where heat is more
commonplace. The imp is evil and has been robbing the hag for
some time. He has stored a small treasure trove of items in the
kitchen, all hidden inside a covered pot, pushed up under the
butcher block: a ruby ring worth 300gp, an
armband of protection
and 200gp in a pouch.
The larger room, 6, is the wizard’s private quarters. A huge king-size
bed dominates the center of the room. A chest stands at the foot of
it, open with much of its contents of clothing and personal items cast
about the floor. Another large animal hide rug lies on the floor in front
of a long unused fire place. Personal items abound, several cloaks on
pegs, as well as hats, drinking mugs on the floor and so forth.
The imp will not attack the party unless discovered; even then it
attempts to flee. If the treasure is taken however, the imp follows
the party and harasses them with tricks and traps for the rest of
their lives if need be. It does not warn the hag nor help her if she
is attacked, wishing her death more than anything else.
There are signs of a struggle in the room. The bed is ruffled and
messed up, sheets lying on the floor and some dried blood stains
the floor next to the door.
The struggle did not occur between the hag and the wizard, but rather
between the hag and the mimic that guards the room. This creature
attacked the hag when she entered the room without the wizard, much
as it attacks anyone else who enters the room without the wizard.
(This lawful evil creature’s vital stats are HD 1d8, AC 15,
HP 7. Its primary attributes are physical and mental. It attacks
with a bite for 1d4 points of damage and a stinger for 1 point of
damage. It is able to turn invisible, has an SR of 3 and regenerates
1 hit point per round. Its stinger has a poison barb that can cause
a further 2 points of damage for 4 rounds.)
(This neutral creature’s vital stats are HD 7d8, AC 15,
HP 35. Its primary attributes are physical. It attacks with a slam
attack for 3d4 points of damage. It has darkvision 60 feet, the
ability to crush an opponent and mimic shape.)
3 U
The stairway door opens into this room. The room is lavishly
decorated with tapestries on the walls, rugs upon the floor, and
several torch laden wall sconces. A large, ornate table dominates
one side of the room and several cushioned couches and chairs
the other side. It is obvious that the room is some type of living
room or den, probably used to entertain guests.
7 L
This room is in shambles, utterly destroyed, tables overturned,
benches broken, jars and other glass ware shattered on the floor.
Extensive fire damage marks the walls so that little remains that
is useful. Three large windows look out of the room; the glass that
once covered them is broken and lies upon the floor.
There is plenty of value in the room, the heavy tapestries, and
ornate furniture, far too heavy to move about and easily steal. The
room is largely undisturbed.
There is nothing of value here. The hag has destroyed it all.
8 A

This room was once Andru’s Star Chamber. Here he sat in quiet
contemplation, the windows overlooking the village below. He
charted the stars and watched the moon pass through the still
nights. It is now his prison.
4 G
The door opens up on a simple guest room. A bed, well made,
though dirty, stands against the inner wall. A large chest sits at the
foot of the bed. Several large animal skin rugs cover the floor. But
beyond that a huge stained glass window that overlooks the valley
below dominates the room. It perfectly reflects the sun or moon
light, shining it upon the bed.
The door opens to a foul stench. It smells of swamp grass
and foul rot. Within a strange sight greets you. A man
sitting upon a large ornate chair seems to stair at you with
a hollow gaze. His hair is long, flowing down his shoulders,
even to the floor. His finger nails are long too, coiled about
themselves. His skin on his hands and face, the only portion
of his flesh that is visible is pale and almost translucent. His
robes are ragged and thread bare. Whether dead or alive
it is impossible to say. Standing next to him is a beautiful
woman, dressed in a flowing gown of white silks. Her golden
hair is pulled back from her face and with eyes filled with
both fear and longing she addresses you. “Thank the gods
for your coming. That foul witch below has kept us here for
so very long. And it seems you have slain her!”
The room is empty and devoid of anything of interest, aside of
course from the stained glass window.
5 S
This room is Andru’s study. In the center is a large desk with
several papers upon it, a number of scientific instruments, ink well
(now dry) and a 5 sconce candelabra. Someone has rifled through
the desk and several drawers are open. Yet more animal hide rugs
cover the floor, large bears with thicker fur. Several book shelves
line the wall disorganized and pilfered, many of them thrown
about the room, scorched, or otherwise damaged. Several shelves
stand completely empty.
4 C
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