Castles & Crusades The Slag Heap, Podreczniki RPG, Castles & Crusades
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The Slag Heap
Davis Chenault with Stephen Chenault
Tami Key
Cover Art:
Danielle Bagleio
Interior Art:
Erik Wilson
Jason Walton
Art Direction/Cover Design:
Peter Bradley
Interior Design/Layout:
Troll Lord Games
P.O. Box 251171, Little Rock,
AR 72225
Web site: or
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This module is designed for charac-
ters of 3
level with a challenge
level of 2-3.
©2006 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades® is a Registered Trademark pending)
of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. C&C, Castle Keeper, SIEGE engine,Troll Lord Games, and
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ISBN 1-931275-78-5 Printed in the United States of America
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Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games; Authors
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Slag Heap, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Author Davis Chenault.
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The Slag Heap
This module is designed primarily for those adventurers and heroes
who have only recently wet their appetite for glory and fame. Should
any characters brave enough care to venture deep into the Barren
Wood, they will find many enemies to battle and some to spare. Here
they can engage in combats and battles under the eaves of an ancient
forest and beneath the black earth of the Slag Heap where they will
face creatures of mythic evil and dire portent. In these dank and
forbidden holes, glory and wealth lie for the taking as well as those
iron bonds of friendship that only adventurers forge. Beware though,
for death lingers at every corner and beneath every tree. And should
their time come, it is theirs to choose: die valiantly against mighty foes
or fall, a craven coward in a vain attempt to forestall the inevitable.
A great empire once spread across the known world and enclosed
all within its grasp. These were cold and wretched times for many
peoples. Winters were long and thick snowy blankets lay across the
world like a white mantel for many months out of the year. The
skies were perennially overcast, gray and carried cold winds from the
fortress of Aufstrag. It was an unhappy time for many and was known
as the Winter Dark.
Through much of this time, the gnomes of the world remained far from
the grasping fingers of the empire’s governors, generals, ambassadors,
armies and tax men. They hid themselves far away in remote hills and
mountains, deep forests and trackless savannahs. The Barren Wood
was just such a place. Its expanse of ancient trees and undulating hills
are dotted with hidden dales and valleys that are known only to a few.
So the Barren Wood provided a perfect place in which to escape the
choking hold the empire had on much the rest of the world. In these
woods resided many fey of varying nature but all of the same mind
concerning the Emperor in Aufstrag. They cared nothing for him and
labored ceaselessly to prevent his finding their most sacred and holy
This adventure is best suited as a gateway to other adventures and
escapades of the Castle Keeper’s making. The module’s monsters,
characters and settings, though tied together by themes and plots, all
offer an abundance of interesting asides and the potential for other
adventures which are wholly unrelated to
The Slag Heap
. It is strongly
recommended that the Castle Keeper develop and expand upon
the encounters and associated adventures the characters may find
themselves engaged with or interested in. Allow them to explore what
interests them most and greater fun will be had by all.
In one such hidden dale a large family of gnomes settled. Long friends
of the fey, these gnomes were guided there and offered safety. The dale
they settled in was nestled at the foot of a large hill, and their new
home they named Havenwale for it was a place of safety to them. The
fey called it Syvanwale, which is, the speech of man, Sparkling Hill.
They called it thus, for all the quartz crystals that were found in the
area and, in this particular spot, the diamonds.
Those picking up the adventure after exploring
Assault on Blacktooth
will find the material related in
The Slag Heap
both different and
The Slag Heap
details a region south of the Hruesen River,
Ludensheim and Botkinburg and the events that unfold here are only
loosely connected to those related in the previous module. Though
it is recommended it is not necessary that this module be played in
conjunction with
Assault on Blacktooth Ridge
For many a long year the gnomes lived there in safety, having little
contact with the world at large. The clan grew and prospered though
never so much as to expand beyond the dale. Only with the passing of
the evil lord in Aufstrag and the return of the long summers did the
gnomes begin venturing forth again into the wide world.
The Slag Heap
is presented in three parts. It begins with a brief
description of the two small thorpes which set the stage for the trip
to the Slag Heap. This is followed by a similarly brief exposition on
the areas between the thorpes and the Slag Heap and what may be
encountered along the way. The final portion of the module details the
Slag Heap and what lies in its winding tunnels.
They quickly established commercial ties with several nearby
communities of men. Ludensheim was the nearest large town and
This adventure is designed for 3-5
characters of 2nd-3rd level. Should
a larger party of adventurers be
involved, increase the number of
creatures encountered and their
armor class or give them better
weapons to adequately challenge
the party. For the major non-player
characters or monsters, increasing
hit points and levels might also
be necessary. This should suffice
to maintain a challenge for the
characters. Further, attribute check
challenge levels should be between
0 and 2. Those of special note are
described in the module.
2 Castles & Crusades
it was here that the gnomes began trading diamonds for goods and
wares they had long grown accustomed to living without. The folk
of Ludensheim coined the name Diamond Dale for the gnome
community, and it soon stuck, while the name Havenwale was used
almost only by the gnomes. The new name proved a propitious event.
with greater relish and efficiency than Seroneous. It is into this
gathering storm that our heroes are heading.
For the Castle Keeper
The hunt is on: the infamous Red Caps are raiding along the Hruesen
River and the Baron Volkmar Botkin of Botkinburg wants their
depredations to end. It is rumored an agent has hired the Red Caps
to undertake the raids that are causing so many problems or even that
a sinister alliance between the bandits of the Barren Wood and the
Red Caps of the Blacktooth Ridge has been arranged. Baron Volkmar
Botkin is in need of men of stout heart to uncover the truth of this,
find the perpetrators and have them brought to justice. The truth is,
of course, both less and more than the Baron suspects.
In the long years after the passing of the Winter’s Dark the gnomes
relaxed and became less watchful. They did not see that the Horned
One’s passing only diminished the power of those in far off Aufstrag,
but not the evil that resided in the hearts of man and the other
nefarious creatures of the Barren Wood.
Soon miners and diggers of all sorts came to the Barren Wood in
search of diamonds and similar wealth. Several mining communities
were established. These were often peopled by greedy types, eager to
make a quick fortune and move on. The gnomes hid their homes and
trafficked less with the folk of Ludensheim. The mining towns never
prospered and shortly became the abodes of bandits, brigands, outlaws
and the general flotsam of society.
Dietbold Heimer, the Baron of Ludensheim
has indeed contracted the
Red Caps to undertake raids in and around Botkinburg and they are
being paid for it. His agent managed this agreement through various
meetings with the leaders of this nefarious group of goblin raiders.
Baron Dietbold Heimer had hoped that Baron Volkmar Botkin would
come to him for aid. Aid which would be given in exchange for an
oath of fealty.
In more recent days the gnomes watched with growing concern when
the Lords of Ludensheim fought amongst themselves and the rightful
lords were turned out. They sought only the protection of the Vale
and the magic of the fey to keep them safe. This proved a disasterous
move for long before the Red Caps fell into the employ of the Baron
Dietbold (see
Assault on Blacktooth Ridge
), the gnomes of Diamond
Dale fell to ruin.
However, things have gotten out of hand and the goblin’s persistent
raids have raised the ire of Baron Volkmar Botkin, but he has not called
upon Ludensheim for aid. But rather he has turned to those folk who
wander these lands of Outremere. To the great annoyance of Dietbold,
Volkmar has called for aid from knights, rangers, adventurers, bounty
hunters and whatever other folk he can rouse. To further Baron
Dietbold Heimer’s problems, the Red Caps are now demanding more
gold than was agreed upon to discontinue their raids. If he does not
pay, they have also threatened to expose him to the folk of Botkinburg
and the other lands about.
A creature, called the Witch Queen by her servents, had come from
the ruin of Aufstrag seeking to cast her power upon the people of the
Barren Wood. Hearing rumors of limitless wealth of the Diamond
Dale, she thought to gird herself for war with the coin of gnomes. Her
servants soon invested the mining towns and, through means magical
and foul, dissevered the location of Havenwale. She sent her loyal
cohorts into that dale and they quickly overcame the gnomes. Few
survived and those that did were either ensorceled and enslaved or
fled deeper into the Barren Woods or abroad.
Baron Dietbold is desperate to prevent anyone from discovering the
truth of his machinations. The gathering of notables and nefarious
characters alike in Vokmar’s Botkinburg presages disaster, so Dietbold
has sent agents out to waylay anyone attempting to dissever his plans
and some others to pay the Red Caps to cease raiding.
For several decades it has been such. The Witch Queen’s servants
have fortified Havenwale and dug many a pit in search of diamonds
and other precious minerals. All to little or no avail as they have
neither the inclination nor skill to mine the diamonds with any
efficiency and have delivered very little to the Witch Queen. The
once beautiful gnome village and dens became a warren of viperous
fiends and brigands. The foul debris of these folks turned it all to
brackish rock and a heap of ruin, so that in time it came to be called
The Slag Heap.
The hotbed of this activity is centered on two old mining communities
in the Barren Wood, Gipsheim and Dreddstun. It is here that the
agents of Dietbold Heimer have met and meet with the Red Caps
and the bandits of the Barren Wood. And it is here that they are now
gathering. These two thorps are ostensibly overseen by Miles Freland,
a notorious brigand, and his crew of malcontents. Though not initially
involved in any of Baron Dietbold’s shenanigans, he has become
enmeshed in solving the problem as bounty hunters and others have
started to make their way to his hideouts. He would rather all Baron
Dietbold’s men leave and the bounty hunters be eliminated.
Seroneous, the present ruler of The Slag Heap cares little for any of this
history. This abomination from the pits of Aufstrag was sent here for
one reason only; to make ready for war and conquest. He was supposed
to have helped sew the seeds of war and discord in the communities
about and make Diamond Dale a gathering point for the cohorts of
the Witch Queen in her planned conquest of the area. Had the Witch
Queen a reliable servant, her desires may be closer to fulfillment and
war already be upon the land. Yet, Seroneous is a faithless servant to
the Witch Queen and her goals are a long way off. Though the wheels
have been put in motion and winds of war are blowing, her servant’s
self-obsessions have delayed her plans; such are the ways of the evil
malcontents of the world.
There are several important personalities involved in this rather
complicated mess the Castle Keeper should be aware of; Deertrik
Shelentz, Kreetkruk the Ogre, Miles Freland and Rugnar the
Deertrik Shelentz, an agent of Baron Dietbold, has come to Gipsheim
to pay off the Red Caps. He has brought several of his henchmen with
him to ensure that the issue is resolved. If the Red Caps do not accept
a final payment and promise to stop the raiding, he has been instructed
to kill his contact and send the head back with a threat of martial
retaliation if the Red Caps do not quit raiding.
Of late, however, a new arrival in the dale may change things and this
loyal servant of the Witch Queen fulfill his mission and her desires
Slag Heap 3
Involving the Characters
As with most adventures, only the most general of reasons can be
supplied that encourages players to stroll down a particular boulevard
of adventure. In the case of
The Slag Heap
, encouraging players to
travel to dangerous places with such unattractive names as Gipsheim
and Dreddstun can almost only be done by bounty or greed. Several
manners of bringing the characters into the action are described
below. Of special note: if continuing the adventure from
Assault on
Blacktooth Ridge
read the final entry.
Kreetkruk is Deetrik’s new contact with the Red Caps. His previous
intermediator has gone missing and in his place is this nasty ogre
with a jutting jaw and cruel disposition. With him are several of the
more capable and sneaky Red Caps. Kreetkruk has been instructed to
demand even more money from Deertrik and should he be refused, to
kill Deertrik and send his head back to Ludensheim and threaten even
more pillaging should they not be paid.
As both parties to this negotiation have brought conflicting demands
and the forces to back up their demands, both have retired from their
negotiations while they plan their next move. Deertrik is in Gipsheim
while Kreetkruk is in Dredstun.
Hook 1.
A 500gp bounty has been offered for the capture of Miles
Freland, a notorious bandit known to be in the area. This can offered
by either Baron Dietbold Heimer or Baron Volkmar of Botkinburg.
Miles Freland and his crew of ne’er-do-wells are spread out between
Gipsheim, Dredstun and the surrounding territories. Miles is
concerned about harming either of the above mentioned parties as this
will bring down the wrath of one or both the Red Caps and the Baron
of Ludensheim. Miles also has a claim to the Barony at Ludensheim – a
claim he intends to make good on (see below).
Hook 2.
Numerous peasant and merchant families in and around
Ludensheim have demanded that Baron Dietbold locate and free the
slaves thought to be in Gipsheim and Dreddstun. The characters are
hired to locate the slaves and report back on their condition and who
is holding them or rescue them if possible.
Rugnar the Toothless is an old fashioned assassin. Thoroughly evil and
inconveniently capable, he has been hired by Baron Dietbold to rid
the woods and lands about of bounty hunters, treasure seekers and
other ilk. He is currently in Gipsheim awaiting his first target.
Hook 3.
Rumors abound that agents of the Witch Queen are south
of the Hruesen River. An order of goodly knights or river wardens
has contracted the characters to discover if this is true. They point to
Dreddstun and Gipsheim as possible locations for these nefarious and
evil people.
Other than greed, iniquity, depravity and villainy (characteristics one
can liberally sprinkle upon all the aforementioned), what currently
propels the action in this area is none other than the arrival of an
ungern battle lord, Froithmot, the Slag Heap.
Hook 4.
It is rumored that there is a town named Diamond Dale
somewhere in the Barren Wood. A long abandoned mining community
where many a sparkling bauble was found, the mines are said to be ripe
for the picking as the gnomes have all but disappeared.
Froithmot has been sent to the Slag Heap by the Witch Queen in
order to bring fire back to the rule of Seroneous. He has taken to the
Witch Queen’s mission with religious zeal and is trying the sew discord
in the region as never before. He has managed to engage the Red Caps
and pays them generous sums to continue raiding along the Hruesen
River and is even offering aid in their endeavors. He has also agreed
to help Deertrik negotiate with the Red Caps, knowing full well it will
come to naught. And finally, Froithmot has cast his support behind
Miles Freland’s desires to regain the throne of Ludensheim.
Hook 5.
If continuing this adventure from
Assault on Blacktooth Ridge
the characters attention might turn to the Slag Heap for a number
of reasons. Barldus Mikenfird, if he escaped the Vargolg, will go to
Gipsheim and thence to Dreddstun to escape the characters should
they be giving chase. As a last resort, he will make his way back to
Ludensheim. While in Gipsheim or Dreddstun, Barldus and Deertrik
will work together to eliminate those who trail him.
So, this is the stage upon which the characters will make their
appearance. Where it shall end up, none may know until all the die are
cast. As the adventure begins, the situation is static with each party
gauging the other’s capabilities and their own options. The characters
may be able to connect the trail of deceit and treachery or they may
not, depending upon their want, desire and action. Nevertheless,
upon their arrival at the Slag Heap they should find Froithmot or
any of his various minions, and be introduced to even more strange
and horrible monsters as the characters first meet the servants of the
Witch Queen.
If Barldus is killed and the characters have cleared the Vargolg, they
quickly find that the Red Caps are still raiding. Baron Volkmar may
have been impressed by the characters mighty prowess and ask them
to go to Gipsheim where he suspects something sinister is up as the
Red Caps have been seen in the vicinity of the two small mining
communities. Further, Miles Freland has been raiding the lands about
again and he needs to be stopped.
Hook 6.
As a final option and perhaps the most promising, the
characters hear a tale of Diamond Dale from several of the Halflings in
Botkinburg or even from an itinerant gnome at the House of Sludge.
So impressive should this tale be, that no self-respecting adventurer
would consider anything other than going to investigate.
The Castle Keeper should keep the motivations of the various actors
in mind when running encounters in the adventure as any activity can
have great or small impacts on the others in the adventure. In essence,
the Red Caps are after more gold, Froithmot simply hopes to cause
strife and war between the local barons while Miles Freland ultimately
desires a return to his birth right. As the negotiations, actions and
conflicts are in a stagnant stage, alliances can shift and plans can
change. The character’s actions will have much impact on this should
they choose to become enmeshed within the rivalries or even should
they enjoin each as enemies or allies collectively or individually.
In the Barren Wood
In any respect, the characters must travel to Gipsheim for the
adventure to get underway. They will likely begin their travels from
either Ludensheim or Botkinburg along the River Road or, as it is
known in Ludensheim, the Ludensway. From here the characters
must travel south along Riggler’s Trail until they reach the town of
Gipsheim and thence to Dreddstun.
4 Castles & Crusades
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