Castles & Crusades The Haunted Highlands, Podreczniki RPG, Castles & Crusades

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The Haunted Highland
Casey Christofferson
Additional Materials:
Scott Green
Peter Bradley, Davis Chenault
Nicki Chenault
Cover Art:
Peter Bradley
Art Direction/Cover Design:
Peter Bradley
Interior Design/Layout:
Troll Lord Games
This module is designed for char-
acters of varying levels and has a
varying challange level.
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©2006 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades® is a Registered Trademark pending)
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the Castles & Crusades, SIEGE engine, and Troll Lord Games logos are Trademarks of Troll Lord Games.
All Rights Reserved. Bowbe is also featured in products by Necromancer Games. Bowbe is copyright
Casey Christofferson.
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ISBN 1-931275-21-1 Printed in the United States of America.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
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System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2006,
Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Monsters and Treasure, Copyright
2005; Authors Robert Doyel and Stephen Chenault
The Haunted Highland, Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games;
Author Casey Christofferson.
This book is published under the Open Game License version
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The Haunted Highlands
Burtru looked from across the table of the raucous roadhouse to his
companions and smiled slightly as the pretty elven barmaid brought their
pitcher of ale.
within are detailed with a “suggested” level of play, and the Castle
Keeper should adjust the appropriate stats as necessary to challenge
players. The areas of adventure are considered fluid and ever-
changing and are designed to be adjusted in order to reflect your
style of play or needs of your gaming group. Thus, handicapping
the encounter areas with level adjustments would prove foolish at
best as you are likely to adjust the encounters anyway.
“There is much wealth to be made here in the Karboskian Marches, and
fame to be had here as well.” He said assuredly. “For certain there is war
to the south, but here, there are bandits whose bounties we can collect, and
other wanted folk to be brought to justice.”
Certainly a hydra’s lair may prove too difficult for low level
characters, but may be thought of as “just right” for higher level
play. Likewise, a warren of goblins may be considered too easy a
challenge for higher level adventuring bands, but just right for low
level parties looking to cut their teeth on high adventure.
Burtru curled the ends of his neatly waxed moustache and glanced at his
companions with a wry grin as they smiled and nodded in agreement. “I
understand there is plunder to be had as well, for many ancient ruins lay
but a few short days travel from this fine roadhouse establishment.” Burtru
looked around with a smirk and a wink at the debauchery within the smoky
chamber before again turning his gaze to that of his seated companions. As
Burtru opened his mouth to say more, his eyes met the baleful gaze of a
grizzled barbarian veteran sitting in the corner upon a chair made from the
bones of ogres and the skins of beasts both strange and dire.
In order to fully enjoy the adventures that await players exploring
the Haunted Highlands, the party should have at least one cleric
or character capable of casting divine spells, as well as a player
character capable of using arcane magic. The party should also
include at least one rogue, and be filled out with a compliment of
characters with fighting skills such as fighters, paladins, rangers or
At length the wild-man held Burtru’s gaze before he spoke with a grizzled
accent, quite foreign even to this uncivilized stretch of the Duchy of
The Haunted Highlands details with an five the areas of adventure
and a fully detailed roadhouse intended to serve as a base of
operations for the player characters. The areas of adventure are
each designed to be small enough to fill out a single evening of
enjoyable fantasy role playing. Adventure information such as the
actual die number needed to overcome a challenge is provided to
help give new Castle Keepers a simple understanding of the rules
as they are used “in game”. Such detail is initially important, and
saves the Castle Keeper time in referencing rules.
“Surely you Bowbes do suppose to find ye some wealth out here in the
frontier, aye?” the wild man said, his voice gravely from many forays upon
the field of battle. “Know you that there is also death. None of ye look as
if ye have the winters under your girdles to be able to survive for long in the
Witch Moors, nor the bravery to face the wicked spirits which hold sway
over the Mythnoc Cairns. Perhaps I be wrong, as I been wrong afore.” The
heavily scarred warrior took a deep draft from his drinking horn before
Also found here is a brief history of the Karboskian Marches,
information on how to use this book to establish a new Castles
& Crusades® fantasy campaign, and various Castle Keeper tricks
to keep the players interested, thus giving the product almost
unlimited potential for utility and re-use.
There was something stormy and feral in his eyes that kept those seated
around Burtru rapt.
“It makes no matter, if ye live ye will have proven me wrong and ye have
more guts an’ bravery than I would have expected from such finely heeled
folk as yourselves. Thar be strange and weird things out there. If ye prove
your mustard, ye may make heroes yet. I wager not all of ye shall return
again to The Dirty Bowbe’s, however. Those of you who do come back
through my doors will be a sight different than ye are just now, so enjoy your
drinks but be wary when you head out into these here haunted highlands.”
He paused then for effect, fixing his storm-wrought eyes upon each of the
faces huddled around the table.
“Come ye again an’ see me at the end of your adventure and I shall buy a
drink for the survivors. We shall have a toast in memory of ye dead.” With
that last comment the scarred foreigner lifted his mug to the troupe and
nodded to them, guzzling the remnants of his drinking horn in one pull. He
then fixed them with a wide grin and let fourth a great gale of deep roaring
laughter which sent shivers down the spines of those seated at Burtru’s
table. As his laughter subsided he wrapped his bearskin cloak about his
heavily muscled shoulders and was almost instantly asleep.
Further, a comprehensive list of deities which may be used to
enhance the flavor of your campaign is available at as
a $1.00 pdf download. These deities are by no means a necessary
part of your home brew campaign setting, but rather are intended
as good substitutes or additions to be used as you see fit.
History of the Marches
The Karboskian Marches are named for the royal family of
Karbosk, a hereditary duchy whose borderlands have consistently
been plagued by wild beasts, humanoid armies and other foes both
seen and unseen.
Ancient History:
The Duchy of Karbosk was established 800 years
ago when King Pieter II of Rodensia established the line, granting
the hard won border territory to his most feared general, Leonid
Karbosk. A great civil war amongst the nobles of Rodensia brought
about its eventual decline. Now the former empire occupies less
than 1/10th of its original holdings. Despite the collapse of King
Pieter’s empire, the Duchy of Karbosk has maintained virtual
autonomy from its old masters due to clever diplomacy and the
presence of Lake Veyona, separating it both geographically and
militarily from its former masters. What is known to few save the
The Haunted Highlands is an adventure campaign setting and
a Castle Keeper should find more than enough information to
begin an adventure and campaign setting with the details provided
herein. As such, the marches of the Haunted Highlands do not
have a level of difficulty for their use. Instead, the various areas
most educated sages is that what now stands as sprawling wilderness
the Duchy of Karbosk was once home to an even greater civilization
than the one King Pieter had established.
Of course such talk is often squelched in the presence of Dirty’s
proprietor, a grizzled Bowbe worshipping barbarian known only
as “Bull”. Despite the foul reputation most “civilized” folk have
for his establishment, he is well respected by military authorities,
who have been known to call upon his sword and glaive in times of
trouble. This is owed to the fact that his prowess and fearless thirst
for battle bolsters the moral of their conscripted armies.
It was upon these wild highlands, broad lakeshores and clear rivers
that the ancient empire of Umeshti once stood. Here, sorcerer
kings and priests communed with the very gods at the beginnings
of mortal civilization. All was lost one fateful evening 10,000 years
ago when a meteor was cast down from the heavens by angry gods,
leaving nothing but a great crater and cursed sinkhole reaching
deep into the crust of the earth below.
Bull and his squad of hard nosed bouncers are not above allowing
a scuffle to last as long as it needs to. They do, however, step in to
see that that noone actually dies, though this has been known to
happen on occasion.
Recent History:
In recent times, the outer marches of Karbosk
have become increasingly dangerous. Humanoid armies have
always threatened the Karboskian frontiers, but now something
more sinister has risen and war has erupted in every corner of
the Duchy. A powerful and some say eldritch orc king has risen to
power and driven every humanoid within reach of his bloody axe
before him in a frenzy of slaughter and mayhem.
A. The Palisade
The palisade which surrounds the roadhouse is ten feet high
and made from sharpened timbers. A three foot wide walkway
surrounds the inner wall of the palisade, offering Bull’s sentries an
easy view of the travelers’ road and the surrounding area. Trees from
the surrounding woodland have been removed to a distance of 100
feet on all sides of the roadhouse outside the palisade to insure that
the view is unobstructed. The palisade is typically patrolled by 1d2
sentries/bouncers in the employ of the roadhouse’s owners.
So rapid was the invasion of this foul chieftain, known to those
who have survived his plundering as Yorgach the Ravager, that
even the capitol city of Dro Mandras has suffered a heavy blow.
East Dro Mandras lies in ruins, with only small walled sections of
the town center left standing, but under constant siege. Luckily,
the humanoid army’s greed, infighting and ignorance of river
navigation have staved off the tide of the invasion for now.
A single gate opens onto the roadhouse grounds which encompass
the roadhouse’s outbuildings, including its stables, blacksmith and
beer garden.
Sentries 1-2
(These are 2
level, chaotic neutral, human, barbarians
whose vital stats are HP 18, AC 16. Their primary attributes are
strength, wisdom and constitution. Their significant attributes are
strength 15. They each carry a chain shirt, large wooden shield, dagger,
battle axe, longbow and 1-10gp.)
Unfortunately for the frontier citizens of Karbosk, Duke Mandras
Karbosk V and his armies are fully occupied in the recapture
of East Dro Mandras, leaving much of the frontier unguarded.
Opportunists not yet conscripted into the ranks of Yorgach’s
horde now plunder the farmlands on all sides, leaving few places
untouched, save Dirty’s Roadhouse and The Magi Tower of
Nesturon spared.
B. The Gate
A heavy wooden gate lies open during daylight hours when there
is no trouble in the area from marauding bands of humanoids or
bandits. Skulls and sometimes the fresh heads of trouble-makers,
goblins, ogres and trolls are affixed high atop the gate. A sign
posted below the severed heads indicates the profitable bounty
offered by the roadhouse management for clearing the domain of
It is into this background of violence, warfare and mystery that the
characters now find themselves. Their actions may have a direct
impact on the world around them. They may rise to the occasion
and carve a name for themselves as heroes, villains, opportunists or
saviors. The choice is theirs. Enough information is included here
to kick start their new adventuring careers. What happens next will
be determined by role play and a few throws of the dice. Enjoy.
This grotesque display serves multiple purposes as Bull sees it. First
off it sends fear into the hearts of foes who would seek to cause
trouble in his establishment. Secondly, it keeps the majority of
uppity paladins and noble knights off of his land as well, which
suits him just fine. They don’t drink or fondle barmaids anyhow.
Chapter 1:
The Roadhouse on the Marches
Dirty’s Roadhouse sits atop a small bluff some ten leagues (or 35
miles) from Dro Mandras. The square stone structure is surrounded
by a wooden palisade which overlooks one of the major land roads
between Dro Mandras and other settlements of the region.
Roadhouse Bounties!
Kobold Head: 2sp
Fresh Goblin Head: 5sp
Fresh Orc Head: 10sp
Gnoll Head: 15sp
Ogre Head: 2gp
Troll Head (scorched only): 5gp and a free drink
Dirty’s serves as a hub for merchants, soldiers, mercenaries
and adventurers seeking wealth and fame within the area. The
roadhouse has a somewhat rough edged reputation, especially
in the more civilized areas of the region. In Dro Mandras, the
roadhouse is frequently spoken of in scornful terms by members of
the city’s law enforcement as a place where bounty hunters, bandits
and other undesirables go to hide from the long arm of the law.
For bigger beasts or suspected bandits inquire within.
C. Smithy
Udru Ironhammer runs the smithy for Bull and his
silent partners. The red bearded dwarf is skilled in mending broken
armor and can manufacture any metal weapons, armor, or metal
implement such as horseshoes or cooking implements at a 15%
markup from the standard rate due to the often scarce supply of
good quality iron ore. Udru is typically friendly and engaging as a
businessman, but keeps to himself, having few true friends in the
roadhouse other than Bull. The nature of Udru’s relationship with
Bull is a mystery to most, but it is expected that Bull once saved
the dwarf’s life, or that they had done time together in some far
off prison. Others claim that Udru was wanted in foreign lands for
some unknown crime and only Bull would give him a chance to
redeem himself.
(He is a neutral, human, 3
level druid whose vital stats are
HP 15, AC 13. His primary attributes are wisdom, constitution and
charisma. His significant attributes are wisdom 17 and constitution 13.
He carries leather armor, quarterstaff, sling, potion cure light wounds
x2. He can cast the following spells: 0-detect poison, first aid, purify food
and drink; 1st-calm animals, goodberry, entangle plants. 2nd-cure light
wounds, heat metal.)
The stables have sufficient space to hold up to a dozen large
animals such as horses and oxen. Overflow generally grazes the
land outside the palisade.
Udru Ironhammer
(He is a neutral, dwarf, 5
level barbarian whose
vital stats are HP 38, AC 19. His primary attributes are strength and
constitution. His significant attributes are strength 16 and constitution
16. He carries a +2 breastplate, large steel shield, warhammer. He owns
smithy tools and 120gp.)
E. The Beer Garden
Open from the first thaw of spring until the first snows of winter,
this large section of the yard is popular for folk who enjoy the
outdoors yet still enjoy the safety of the palisade walls to keep
the wolves at bay. A covered bar built along the north wall of the
grounds has a door which attaches to the main building, where
food may be brought in from the kitchens, and kegs rolled out to
sate the thirsts of weary travelers. Forgutt, a halfling of middle years
tends the bar here along with a couple serving maids and bouncers
in Bull’s employ. The chubby halfling is loaded with jokes and
knowledge and was once a lesser guild master with the Back Alley
Gang in Dro Mandras. After being passed over for promotions in
the guild due to what he claims was abject racism on the part of
his former boss, Azrael Lash (a co-owner of Bowbe’s) he made his
way to Dirty’s where his skill as a brewer got him a job and his own
stall behind the big house. As a side job, Forgutt is known to sell
D. Stables
Handle the Druid runs the stables for the roadhouse. The young
druid finds peace and harmony seeing to beasts of burden, and
often heals them from the wear and tear of the road with natural
herbs and poultices and occasionally through the use of natural
magic. Handle charges 5sp per day in stabling fees per beast which
he splits with Bull. He charges 25gp for any healing that mounts
or beasts of burden may need. He offers helpful suggestions on the
care and treatment of animals. Handle has been known from time
to time to become agitated with drovers and soldiers who treat their
beasts poorly and is not above letting them know exactly how he
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