Campaign 2 workbook Baker de Altamirano Yvonne, Nauka języków(2)
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//--> Campaign 2 workbookBaker de Altamirano Yvonne, Mellor-Clark Simon Jak ściągnąć Campaign 2 workbook? - INSTRUKCJA1. Kliknijtutaj2. Postępuj zgodnie ze wskazówkami.3. Ciesz się Campaign 2 workbook na swoim komputerze:)CAMPAIGN iss designed to meet English language needs of military personnel engaged in all operations,including peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance and training excercises. CAMPAIGN combines therigorous language analysis of a good English for Specific Purposes cource with the teachability of a goodGeneral English course. It deals with real issues that concern servicemen and women. Units range from"How tanks fight" to "Operation orders" to "Aircraft carriers". There are topics and texts from variety ofinternational military contexts, including the US, the UK, NATO and the UN. Throughout, learning of keyspecialised military lexis goes hand in hand with the development of general language competencethrough systematic skills practice and a carefully planned grammar syllabus. CAMPAIGN 2 takes studentsfrom low intermediate to beyond level 2 of NATO's STANAG 6001 system of levels (equivalent to theCouncil of Europe 's Treshold level). POBIERZ Campaign 2 workbook TERAZ!
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