Call of Cthulhu - Christmas in Kingsport, RPG, Zew Cthulhu

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Silent Night
by Bob Brinkman
The Gaudy
by Ian Gorlick
Christmas in Venice
by Laszlo Dozsa
Christmas in Kingsport
by Oscar Rios
A White Winter
by John Kennedy
Call of Cthulhu is a registered trademark of Chaosium Inc.
This book copyright © 2006 by Chaosium Inc. as a whole, all rights reserved.
 Silent Night
A Modern-Day Christmas Adventure
by Bob Brinkman
Set in Arkham, MA this adventure takes place in
December of 2001. It is suggested that there be
at least four investigators, already familiar with
each other, to tackle this adventure. Keepers
should adapt this adventure to fit the home of
one of their investigators, making sure that the
home in question has a chimney.
reveal a strange looking knife, covered in old
Tibetan script.
The mysterious gift is a Tibetan Varja knife.
This particular blade is dedicated to Chaugnar
Faugn and, until recently, belonged to a cultist in
San Francisco. When the cultist passed away,
his family moved in and sold his entire estate,
before any of his fellows knew what happened,
this blade had been purchased by James.
The investigators have gathered together at
the home of one of their number. Coming
together to celebrate the holiday is a nice way to
try to forget the horrors of the mythos, but the
threats of the unseen world are never far away.
With a fierce snowstorm raging outside, the
investigators are surprised by an early evening
package delivery. Soon after it becomes clear
that the roads have become unsafe and they will
all need to remain for the night.
James had picked it up for his grand nephew,
knowing that the investigator was interested in
such curiosities. He shipped it the same day, only
to be murdered that night by Tcho-tchos who had
come seeking the knife. The knife is needed for a
ritual sacrifice to take place on the night of
December 30th, during the full lunar eclipse.
Before killing James, the Tcho-tchos tortured
him into telling them where it had been sent.
They arrive later in the evening and begin their
search for the blade.
The package is for the investigator hosting the
party, a gift from a distant relation. Shortly after it
arrives trouble begins. Strange things begin to
happen in the neighborhood and there is even a
sighting of “Santa’s elves” by a local child. Soon
the investigators are caught up in a race against
time to prevent the coming of a dark god.
If the players are foolish and leave the knife
where the Tcho-tchos can find it, the small
cultists will take it and steal away into the night.
If the Tcho-tcho can recover the knife in time
they will return to San Francisco and, on
December 30th during the lunar eclipse, they
will perform the ritual to bring Chaugnar Faugn
from his slumber.
Keeper’s Information
On Christmas Eve a package is delivered to one
of the investigators. Inside the shipping parcel is
a brightly decorated present from their great
uncle James. Opening the long gift box will
It is important to note that the ritual cannot be
performed in Arkham as the entirety of the
eclipse will not be visible on the East coast of the
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